Ms. Jessica’s Tips

Ms. Jessica is our SEL coordinator who not only helps the classroom teacher with Caring Community, but she is also available for students one-on-one. Her being in the classroom allows our students the opportunity to get to know her, and vise versa, should they need to...

Art Classes – An Important Part of Our Curriculum

Did you know that starting in preschool students @st.elizabethofthetrinity enjoy weekly art class in the art room as one of our many specials ?๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ๐ŸŽจ Art class has a multitude of benefits including: motor skills, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, emotional...

Mrs. Dati’s 6th Graders Learn About Electricity

Mrs. Datiโ€™s sixth grade unit in electricity ends with the much anticipated Wigglebot race. Students brought bots to life using electricity, vibrational energy, and creative design thinking. Wigglebots were built using circuits and a motor to create a contraption that...