St. Elizabeth of the Trinity SchoolWe are a Christ-based school dedicated to academic excellence driven by our Catholic values and a strong commitment to educating our students.
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School Lunch
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Tuition & Financial Aid
St. Elizabeth of the Trinity has programs to help families with tuition based on need and other qualifications.
Our Donors & Sponsors
With the high cost of providing the kind of education our students deserve, we would like to show our appreciation to the corporations and companies that have generously supported St. Elizabeth of the Trinity School with their contributions.
Updates From Principal Hillmann – September 6, 2024
Some points of interest from around the school including:
- Her recent rollerblading accident (not really)
- Prom plans to replace Casino Night
- Our Strategic Plan and who we have hired to develop it
- Out of Uniform Passes
2024 Parish Social – Sept. 21
It is hard to believe this our 4th Parish Social!!
Join us for fun, games, food and friendship on Saturday September 21 for what is already a St. Elizabeth Community tradition!
Start with Mass at the Special 4:00 pm time followed by festivities!
Basketball Registration Now Open – Sept. 13 Deadline
Open for all students in grades 4-8!!
Don’t wait to register
There is only a 2 week window to register.
Registration closes Friday, September 13th.
2024-25 Student Drop-off Pickup Plans (Updated August 23)
Important Construction Note – Fall 2024
Doors will open at 7:50 am for students to enter the building.
The good news is that a large part of the construction project out front is completed.
The bad news – the road will not be completed until October so for now, drop-off and pick-up will remain the same.
We are working on a plan for recess.
You will notice patches of black asphalt on the school side of Ardmore, which is the pathway to be used to get onto the sidewalk.
If you are dropping off your students, please look for our Safety Team (in purple vests) as they will be standing at two of these spots to help your students out of the car. I do encourage you to walk tomorrow if at all possible!
If you do drive and want to walk your child to the door, you can park in the back lot off Moody or any spot you can find on the street. Please know that Ardmore will not have any parking both east and west of the school.
Please have your student(s) exit their car on the street side. Ardmore is a one way in the mornings, heading west. AT NO TIME SHOULD A PARENT EXIT THEIR CAR IN THIS LINE.
For dismissal, Ardmore will be completely blocked off and students will exit the same doors they entered. Parents will need to park (lot or side streets) and pick up your student(s).
PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE BARRICADES or invent your own parking spot.
Junior High students are dismissed from their classrooms and will exit through Door #10.
Our 2024-25 normal arrival and dismissal door assignments for students is as follows:
- PK3, JK, and K – Door #3 (middle door on Ardmore)
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd – Door #2
- 4th and 5th – Door #4
- JH – Door #10 (door near preschool play area).
Parents may park (parking lot or side streets) and walk your student(s) to their assigned door.
Or we have a Drop Off on Ardmore, where students in our Safety Patrol Team will assist your student exiting their cars.
Please have your student(s) exit their car on the street side. Ardmore is a one way in the mornings, heading west.
AT NO TIME SHOULD A PARENT EXIT THEIR CAR IN THIS LINE. You need to pull up to Door #2 and we will assist your child. Please pull all the way up to Door #2, even if your 4th or 5th grade student will be entering door #4. They can walk to their entrance.
Ardmore will be completely blocked off and students will exit the same doors they entered.
Parents will need to park (lot or side streets) and pick up your student(s).
PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE BARRICADES or invent your own parking spot.
Junior High students are dismissed from their classrooms and will exit through Door #10.
School Summer Hours
Monday – Thursday:
– 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
6040 W. Ardmore Ave
Chicago, IL 60646
Phone & Email
Office Hours
7:30 am – 3:30 pm
Upcoming Events
Sept. 6-8
Visit Our Tent
Fri. : 5:00-7:30 pm
Sat. :1:30-4:00pm
Sun. 4:00-9:00 pm
Click for details!!
Mon. Sept. 9
Cub Scouts Pack 3969
Open House
6:00 pm in Gym Basement
Click for details!!
What Parents Are Saying
We look forward to the future here. We definitely like the small class size and the teacher-to-student ratio as well as the dedication of the faculty.
Every teacher takes the time to get to know and teach to our students individually vs teaching one way to the entire classroom.
The elective classes in Junior High have stretched our son out of his comfort zone with debate and speech and given him new interests in forensics and coding.
The dedicated resource teacher and social worker provide the support needed to lay the foundation for success.
Our boys are turning into compassionate and kind young men because of the exposure to the faith partner program, altar serving at masses, caring connections program, and whole school engagement in service projects for the community.
The individual attention our kids receive at St. Elizabeth of the Trinity School has significantly boosted their academic progress.
They are also becoming grounded in their faith and building confidence through their relationships with their Faith Partners.
The community at our school is incredibly supportive and and there is a genuine spirit of generosity that is heartwarming.
We are so grateful that our kids walk into a nurturing environment every day!
Average number of students per class
Percentage of 2023 graduating class accepted into selective enrollment or private schools
iReady Math Results: 6th Grade: +257% 7th Grade: +129% 8th Grade: +167%
Percentage of Junior High students in National Junior Honor Society, 2022-2023
Get In Touch
6040 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646
(773) 763-7080
Fax: (312) 585-7219
School Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00 am – 3:00 pm