If you volunteer at all during the school year, at times when kids are present, whether it be coaching, lunch duty, field trips or other school events, please ensure your Archdiocese requirements for Protecting God’s Children (Virtus) is up to date.
Please login to your account at:
The first page will tell what requirements must be completed. If you have not created an account yet, please use this same site to start an account and complete the work necessary to be Virtus compliant.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Czyz in the main office.
Be sure to register on our volunteer tracking – Track It Forward. Any volunteer hours less than 20 are billed at $50/per hour in to June to your FACTS account.
If you did not subscibe to Remind Notifications and still want to, the link is below. If you already have a subscription, the code for the All-School Notification is @79ec7be.