Student Life



Academic Excellence

We understand the importance and necessity of balancing many different aspects of our lives, spiritually, academically, physically, and emotionally.

2025 Science Fair – January 23



Reading & Writing

It is essential for students to master the conventions of standard English to be prepared for high-stakes assessments, college, and careers.

Voyages in English covers everything students need to know to write for success. The program engages them in learning and reinforcing skills with increasing difficulty as they advance through grades.

Used in Kindergarten through 8th grade.


Mathematicians are problem solvers first.

When children can’t find the meaning in numbers and symbols, problem solving is a struggle.

Math in Focus: Singapore Math® helps students learn the language of math.

Through hands-on learning, visualization, and pictorial representations, their understanding, confidence, and love of math grows in grades K-5.

In grade levels 6-8, Glencoe Math empowers students to learn Common Core Math and develop critical thinking. Glencoe Math makes math real for students.  Grade Levels: 6-8


Interactive Science offers an engaging, hands-on learning experience for students.

The program delivers the best in classroom technology, and brings the fun back into class while building the skills students need to think like scientists and engineers.

Grade Levels K-8

Social Studies

We use the TCI History Alive Social Studies program for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade.

This program will ensure the delivery of important content while addressing Common Core standards for reading, writing, speaking and listening.

The TCI programs transform social studies class into a multi-faceted learning experience.

Students are the center of instruction that taps a variety of learning styles, allowing students of all abilities to learn
and succeed.


Our religious program is rooted in the practice of our Catholic faith that Jesus gave us.

Our program provides an excellent foundation for a lifetime of faith.

Our program invites the students to begin their journey of faith through an exploration of scripture and tradition using research-based educational strategies and age-appropriate techniques.

Average number of students per class


Percentage of 2023 graduating class accepted into selective enrollment or private schools

iReady Math Results: 6th Grade: +257% 7th Grade: +129% 8th Grade: +167%


Percentage of Junior High students in National Junior Honor Society, 2022-2023

Get In Touch

6040 W. Ardmore Avenue
Chicago, IL 60646

(773) 763-7080
Fax: (312) 585-7219

School Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm